
Eight Things You Can Do Tomorrow to Make Your E-Learning More Accessible

Day 2: Tuesday

12:00 pm

Who deserves the chance to get better at their jobs? Who deserves the chance to access the latest information in their field? Most people would answer, “everyone.” E-learning can be a great way to reach more people with your professional development offerings. But without purposeful planning, the technology could be a barrier to learners with disabilities.As part of many companies’ DEI initiatives, learning departments are exploring ways to make their self-paced e-learning courses more accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Getting to full WCAG 2.0 compliance doesn’t happen overnight. But can something happen overnight? Yes! In this session, you’ll learn eight things you can do TOMORROW (that don’t take a lot of time or money) to start removing access barriers from your courses.

Learning Objectives

You’ll walk away better able to:

• Establish your “why” for accessibility.

• Quickly implement changes that make an impact right away.

• Build support for tasks that take more time and effort to implement.

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